
Frequently Asked Question

Explore our frequently asked question and know more on how to advertise or earn on Hullob PTC

It is simple, click on PLAN ACTIVATION, click on ACTIVATE PLAN WITH VOUCHER, input your VOUCHER CODE in the appropriate membership plan you requested for, click on SUBSCRIBE NOW, a pop will show, re enter the voucher code and click on CONFIRM and you will see a successful message.

You will need to contact us via support ticket in your account and we will send your the voucher code plan you want. To contact us through support ticket, click on ACCOUNT, click SUPPORT TICKET, click CREATE NEW TICKET and request for a voucher code plan you desire. we will send you 2-3 different account to pay to including bank payment and once you made payment, we will send you the Voucher code.

We charge according to the number of times you want your advert to show multiply by the amount to be paid to user per view. The amount paid to user per view ranges from 0.01 to maximum of 0.1USD per view. For example if you want your advert to show 500 times and pay per view is 0.1USD, then 50USD will be charge from your balance after creating the advert. You can advertise as low as 5USD on Hullob PTC.

Click on PTC ADVERTS, click on CREATE PTC ADVERTS, and give your advert a title, type in your website or Youtube video link e.g. https://example.com , input the number of times you want your advert to show to users e.g. 250. Select advertisement type; A. If you select URL/LINK, paste in the link of your website in the MAIN ADVERT LINK e.g. https://example.com B. If you select BANNER/IMAGE, click on CHOOSE FILE to upload your advert image. C. If you choose SCRIPT/CODE, paste in your embeded code in the SCRIPT box. D. If you select YOUTUBE/VIDEOS, paste in your video link in the Youtube video link e.g. https://youtu.be/cuHsQhDhnPE FINALLY CLICK ON SUBMIT and your account will be charged accordingly.

Registration is Free and you can start with our free starter plan. Click on Register and fill in your details, submit your registration and verify your account by checking your email inbox for a link. click in the link and you are now a member.

You need to subscribe to any of our membership plan, We have a Free plan but this will limit you to viewing few ads and earning small money. To subscribe to a plan, click on PLAN ACTIVATION, click ACTIVATE PLAN WITH BALANCE and choose your desired membership plan, you can contact us via support ticket.

Login to your account, click on PTC ADVERTS, click on VIEW AND EARN and click on VIEW NOW on the advert you want to view and earn from it.

Yes, when viewing PTC advert, you must share that advert to your social media account like Facebook, twitter, link and also visit the advert website. A button has been place on each advert show page for easy sharing. you must complete this tasks before you click on confirm earn.

It is simple, we have different withdrawal gateways. You can withdraw to Local Bank, Paypal, Perfectmoney, Bitcoin and even wire transfer. To withdraw, click on WITHDRAW, click WITHDRAW NOW, choose your desired withdrawal gateway and click WITHDRAW NOW under it, Input the amount you want to withdraw and click CONFIRM, Input your withdrawal details, click on CONFIRM again and you will see a successful message.

The only penalty is if you did not complete tasks and you earn though dubious means. During withdrawal, we will ask for your social medial account and check if you share and complete necessary tasks before approving your withdrawal.

It is simple, you need to register first and become a member if you are yet to. After registration, you will need to deposit money to your account using our automatic payment methods or simply send us a support ticket to buy a VOUCHER CODE to top up your balance. After this you can start creating adverts.

What People Says

Take a look at our review section and see what many are talking about us.

Adriana Robert

This is the most reliable PTC platform. You can advertise and earn at the same time.

Alex Smith
Westom Ceo

Hullob PTC is very good, we were seeing massive result advertising with them

John Roman

If you want to be earning extra income from home, use hullob.

Chris Hamsorth
PTC Earner

I subscribed to 7x premium, and I having making some cool money while viewing ads, the earnings are not huge but easy to make.